Optimism from Strictly Sail Pacific Boat Show
Published on April 28th, 2015
The 2015 Strictly Sail Pacific Boat Show on April 9-12 in Oakland, CA reported an increase an overall attendance by more than two percent with actual buyers – exhibitors reported nearly 20 sailboats sold on site. This show, the West Coast’s largest all-sail boat show, featured new sailboats, gear, accessories, hardware, more than 90 free seminars, hands-on workshops, free sailboat rides and more.
“The sun was shining, and people were buying at this year’s Strictly Sail Pacific Boat Show,” said Sail America General Manager and Strictly Sail Pacific Boat Show Producer Peter Durant. “Discover Sailing’s in the water demos were extremely popular this year, reporting a 22 percent increase in participation.”
For the first time this year, a successful life jacket exchange program provided hundreds of free new Type iii personal floatation devices to boaters that brought in their old jackets. A partnership with GetMyBoat, Summer Sailstice and the U.S. Coast Guard, this program provides boaters with the resources needed to be safe in the water.
“The perfect weather brought a steady stream of quality people to the show all four days, making it a big success, ” said Jeanneau America Commercial Product Specialist Jeff Jorgensen. “Not only did we make contact with several potential buyers, but we also sold several boats on site and through the follow-up process. We found the leads were far reaching, with potential clients coming in from Seattle as well.”
The Dehler 46 made its North American debut at the show proving the lure of German design with thousands of show attendees being among the first to climb aboard. More German greatness was on display as the Hanse 455 made its West Coast debut at the show.
“Huge crowds, great quality, wonderful weather…buyers are back,” said JK3 Nautical Enterprises President Jeff Brown. “We had huge crowds every day that surpassed last year’s crowds by a big margin. We contracted with several boats at the show and follow up has been exceptional. We have tons of follow up scheduled as well as test sails set for the next three weeks! The reaction to the new Dehler 46 and Hanse 455 was extremely pleasing with several boats sold in the past week!”
The Strictly Sail Pacific Boat Show is produced by Sail America, the trade association for the U.S. sailing industry dedicated to promoting the health and growth of sailing. Strictly Sail Pacific will return next year and will take place at Jack London Square, 70 Washington Street, in Oakland, California 94607. For more information visit www.strictlysailpacific.com
Source: Sail America