Top European Clubs Competing in the SAILING Champions League 2015
Published on September 18th, 2015
Porto Cervo, Italy (September 18, 2015) – Today 30 of the best sailing clubs from Europe are on the starting line at the SAILING Champions League 2015. Until Sunday the clubs from 14 nations will be competing in 48 planned races (twelve for each club) at the Yacht Club Costa Smeralda in Porto Cervo, Sardinia to win the sought-after silver trophy from Robbe & Berking and the title of “best sailing club in Europe”. Numerous top sailors from Olympic classes, match racing and different keel boat classes are attending in Sardinia.
Coming just a year after the premiere of the new, international club competition, the SAILING Champions League, this is the second showdown of the best sailing clubs from Europe. The 30 clubs have travelled from all directions to Sardinia, from Finland in the North and from Italy in the South, Great Britain in the West and Russia in the East, to fight for the title currently held by the Royal Danish Yacht Club.
The only all female crew will be on the starting line for the title defender from Copenhagen. Helmswoman Lotte Meldgaard together with Tina Gramkov, Helle Ørum and Anne Sofie Munk are the reigning World and European Champions and have a great deal of experience in match racing. However they are looking forward to the challenge of competing in fleet races at this event. “We always want to be at the top of the ranking, whenever we are sailing – also at the Champions League of course. At the Danish league events that we sailed for the Royal Danish Yacht Club (KDY) this year and in the previous year, we were always on the podium. This is what we want to achieve here in Porto Cervo as well”, explains helmswoman Lotte Meldgaard.
Being the strongest nations as regards the number of league clubs, the Danish Sailing League and the German Sailing League will each have four participating clubs each. The Austrian Sailing League, the Italian Sailing League and the Swedish Sailing League are sending three clubs. Two clubs are coming from Poland, Switzerland, Russia and Norway. The Netherlands, France, Malta, Great Britain and Finland will be represented by one club each.
During yesterday’s training session Porto Cervo offered perfect sailing conditions, with wonderful late summer weather and great breeze. The weather forecast for the three racing days promises sailing action at its best for sailors and spectators.
The start of the first race is scheduled for 14:30 today. You can watch all races and get results via the SAP Live Center ( On Saturday and Sunday, live broadcasting starts at 11:45 hours. All further information on
Final entry list (30 clubs from 14 nations):
– Aarhus Sejlklub, Aarhus, Wild Card – 4th Danish Sailing League 2015
– Aländska Segelsällskapet, Mariehamn, 1st Finnish Sailing League 2015
– Burgenländischer Yacht-Club, Rust, 2nd Austrian Sailing League 2015
– Club Canottieri Roggero di Lauria, Palermo, 1st Italian Sailing League 2015
– Deutscher Touring Yacht-Club, Tutzing, 2nd German Sailing League 2014
– Ekolns Segelklubb, Uppsala, 2nd Swedish Sailing League 2015
– Göteborgs Kungliga Segel Sällskap, Gothenburg, Wild Card 5th Swedish Sailing League 2015
– Hellerup Sejlklub, Hellerup/Copenhagen, 2nd Danish Sailing League 2015
– Jacht Klub Wielkopolski Poznań, Poznań, Wild Card – 3rd Polish Sailing League 2015
– Kongelig Dansk Yachtklub, Copenhagen, Wild Card – Champion 2014
– Kongelig Norsk Seilforening, Oslo, Norwegian Sailing League
– Kungliga Svenska Segelsällskapet, Saltsjöbaden/Stockholm, 1st Swedish Sailing League 2015
– Norddeutscher Regatta Verein, Hamburg, 1st German Sailing League 2014
– PIRogovo Yacht Club, Moscow, 1st Act 1 Russian Sailing League 2015
– Regattaclub Oberhofen, Oberhofen/Thun, 1st Swiss Sailing League 2015
– Royal Malta Yacht Club, Valletta, Wild Card
– Royal Thames Yacht Club, London, UK Sailing League
– Segelclub TWV Achensee, Maurach, Wild Card
– 3rd Austrian Sailing League 2015 – Seglervereinigung Itzehoe, Itzehoe, Wild Card
– 4th German Sailing League 2014 – Skovshoved Sejlklub, Skovshoved, 1st Danish Sailing League 2015
– Société des Régates Rochelaises, La Rochelle, Wild Card
– Società Velica di Barcola e Grignano, Trieste, 2nd Italian Sailing League 2015
– Société Nautique de Genève, Geneve, 2nd Swiss Sailing League 2015
– Stavanger Seilforening, Stavanger, Norwegian Sailing League
– Verein Seglerhaus am Wannsee, Berlin, 3rd German Sailing League 2014
– WaterSportVereniging Almere, Almere/Amsterdam, Dutch Sailing League
– Yacht Club Bregenz, Bregenz, 1st Austrian Sailing League 2015
– Yacht Club Costa Smeralda, Porto Cervo, Wild Card
– Hosting Club – Yacht Club Navigator, Moscow, 1st Act 2 Russian Sailing League