What is the Seabin project?
Published on November 2nd, 2015
Pete Ceglinski and Andrew Turton have an idea that could help save the planet. Seems like a big ask, and they can use some help. Here they explain…
We have designed and made an automated rubbish bin that catches floating rubbish, oil, fuel and detergents. We call it the Seabin Project. It’s designed for floating docks in the water of marinas, private pontoons, inland waterways, residential lakes, harbours, water ways, ports and yacht clubs. It can even be fitted to super yachts and motor yachts.
Right now we have a perfectly working prototype and we need the help of Kickstarter and supporters to set up a production of the Seabins to be built in the most sustainable and responsible way we can afford. This Seabin we hope is the first of more future models directed at other specific locations.
The marinas, ports and yacht clubs are the perfect place to start helping clean our oceans. There are no huge open ocean swells or storms inside the marinas, its a relatively controlled environment. The wind and currents are constantly moving the floating debris around in our oceans and in every port, marina or yacht club there is always some pollution heavy areas based on the predominant wind and current directions.
By working with these marinas, ports and yacht clubs we can locate the Seabin in the perfect place and Mother Nature brings us the rubbish to catch it. Sure we can’t catch everything right now but its a really positive start.
It’s a big mission, but it can be done. In fact, we’re doing it right now… read on