Qualifying Complete at Optimist Worlds
Published on June 28th, 2016
Vilamoura, Portugal (June 28, 2016) – Max Wallenberg still leads the fleet after 6 races at the Optimist World Championship. The Swiss sailor has Singapore’s Daniel Hung and Argentina’s Lucas Videla very close, after the qualifying series.
Sailing was pretty tough with light and shifty wind again, but all fleets completed two races plus the 4th of the green group. Max Wallenberg has one point advantage over Daniel Hung and two from Lucas Videla and there’s only 12 points between the 1st and 10th.
The fleets will now be split in Gold, Silver, Bronze and Emerald and the final series starts tomorrow with two races scheduled. Singapore’s Jodie Lai is the first girl (13th overall). Denmark’s Helena Wolff (29th overall) and Spain’s Alba Trigo (30th overall) are 2nd and 3rd. Guilherme Cavaco is the best Portuguese in 17th.
Event details – Scoreboard – Facebook
June 26-July 1 – Optimist Individual World Championship
July 2-3 – Optimist Team Racing World Championship
Source: Optimist World Championship