37th Marblehead to Halifax Ocean Race
Published on November 17th, 2016
Plans are underway for the 363 nm Marblehead to Halifax Ocean Race, with the 37th biennial contest to start Marblehead Harbor on July 9, 2017.
“Every other year this is one of the summer highlights in Marblehead,” Jennie Aspinall, vice commodore-elect of the Boston Yacht Club and race chair. “Our Canadian friends always bring an air of international excitement to our town.”
Billed as the ‘grand-daddy of ocean races’, the Marblehead to Halifax is co- sponsored by the Boston Yacht Club of Marblehead, MA and the Royal Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron of Halifax, NS.
“We are already working to attract another strong fleet of entries from eastern Canada and the Squadron can’t wait to welcome everyone to Halifax,” says Will Greenwood, RNSYS race chair.
In keeping up with the needs of ocean racing, which continue to evolve over more than a century, the organizers of the 37th biennial Marblehead-to-Halifax have included a number of changes from the previous races in the current Notice of Race.
Registration forms will be posted and made available in December.
Details: www.marbleheadtohalifax.com.
Source: Ed Bell