We each are a #WomanOfTheWater

Published on November 12th, 2018

Nikole ‘Nikki’ Barnes and Lara Dallman-Weiss are Perfect Vision Sailing Team which seeks to represent the United States in the 470 Class Sailboat for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. This is their first quad together, so the hill is steep, but they are actively sharing the climb.

While the goal is always to stand on the podium, it is the journey from which every aspiring Olympian can win. Here is a recent report from Nikki and Lara:

When sailing, you are totally immersed in all elements Mother Nature throws at you. You have to balance the boat with the wind changes, sail in tremendous heat, or freezing wet conditions that keep most people off the water.

During our training in San Francisco, we often describe our time as ‘drowning’ due to the constant spray from the choppy seas and 25+ knots. In those conditions, our boat is screaming with boat speed! The wind whips the waves at us like a firehose and sometimes it takes focus simply to time when to take deep breaths. Those days are hard, cold, and always long training days.

So why do we do this? Why do we go out in big breeze, in freezing conditions, with the knowledge that we will be beaten down during the training? We do it for the experience. We do it because we want to be able to conquer all of the elements.

We are training to be able to withstand conditions that our competitors are nervous to go out in. It makes us stronger. It humbles us. Individually, we each are a #womanofthewater and we will always train in whatever Mother Nature wants to show us.

Love your sport. Respect the elements. Never let other people’s fears stop you from achieving your best. Sharing this story is inspired by a campaign by This is for the women that makes women proud, and not ashamed to break the social norms and to just, be a woman.


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