Defining the Regatta Schedule

Published on January 21st, 2019

Dear Curmudgeon: Can you give me a good reason for stating the maximum number of races in the Notice of Race and or Sailing Instructions? I just don’t see the point.

Recently, I raced a National Championship and the NOR stated “the maximum number of races to be contested will be 8.” The regatta was a three day event and the race committee gave us 4 races on Friday, 3 races on Saturday and, you guessed it, just 1 race on Sunday.

Sunday turned out to be a beautiful day and we spent the majority of the day in the parking lot taking apart our boats instead of racing. Conditions would have easily allowed for a total of 10 races even with a 2pm deadline for last start of the day.

Stipulating the number of races ahead of time seems to be the norm, not the exception. Why, why, why do race organizers limit their options and our fun? – Came To Race

Dear Came To Race: Stipulating the number of races, and how many races per day, creates the landscape for the event. It tells people what they are getting into, as a 3-day, 10-race series means a potentially tiring day of racing which can impact the social, whereas a 3-day, 6-race series presents a more leisurely schedule.

Heck, at Star Class Championships, they have one race a day, period.

Once the regatta starts, just like any other sport, knowing the length of the game defines strategy. If you were protecting your position in the results, and you knew there was just one more race to go, your tactical decisions would be impacted. Variable weather may require a heavier race load on certain days, but hopefully the final day is light to allow for pack up and travel. – The Curmudgeon

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