Reaching Reality: A sailing-surf documentary
Published on February 25th, 2020
Reaching Reality is a five episode series (26-minute segments) about an adventure-drunk filmmaker who discovers just how hard it is to tell a story at sea.
Traveling from San Francisco down the Baja Peninsula to the tip of Cabo San Lucas, Mexico on a 24-foot boat, the filmmaker and his two close friends face storms, seasickness and an ongoing desire to end the suffering by quitting the journey altogether.
Through their journey they explore seven islands for untouched surf and uncover baron beaches with empty waves, rock lobster migrations, surfacing whales, and shark hunters themselves. In the end, they are left struggling for supplies, running out of money and resurfacing the pains of the pending reality of their return to society.
Episode 1: From under the Golden Gate Bridge down to the Santa Cruz Islands, the three friends and their little boat are now heading south. However, bad weather is on the horizon and signs that the film and the filmmaker are already thinking about abandoning ships are starting to leak through. After a long night of seasickness, it’s time to face reality and see who’s going to stick around and who’s going to go.
Episode 1 is free. To purchase the other four episodes, click here.
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Documentary details:
PRODUCER: Barry Walton
YEAR: 2020 (started in 2005)
TALENT: Dan Wasserman, Dennis Stein, Barry Walton
LOCATIONS: California (USA) and Baja Peninsula (Mexico)
DURATION: 5 Episodes (26-minutes each)