34th America’s Cup: Mother Nature dominates the day
Published on September 17th, 2013
San Francisco, CA (September 17, 2013) – The expected forecast at the 34th American’s Cup proved true today when winds exceeded the wind limits, forcing the postponement of races 11 and 12.
“For a long time we’ve known that this would be the toughest tide day. It’s a strong ebb at 2.9 knots (for Race 11) and 2.7 (for Race 12), so we had a low wind limit, 20.1 knots and 20.3 knots for the two races,” said Regatta Director Iain Murray.
After four postponements, with the winds regularly gusting to mid 20s, the race committee informed defender Oracle Team USA and challenger Emirates Team New Zealand at 1331 that racing was postponed for the day.
“I’m concerned about the boats getting home safely,” said Murray. “We have a huge amount of wind along the city front. It’s windy and the current’s getting stronger by the minute. We must consider that although today is windy we have more racing to go. When the front passes tonight we’ll get back to good racing tomorrow and the rest of the week.”
Races 11 and 12 are rescheduled for Wednesday, at 1315 and 1415, with the current forecast indicating more favorable conditions.
Click here for all race reports.
Ten Completed Races – First team to 9 Points Wins
Emirates Team New Zealand: 7
Oracle Team USA: 1*
* Began series with -2 points due to International Jury penalty from AC World Series.
America’s Cup Final schedule
Tuesday, Sept. 17: Final Race 11 (1:15 pm PT), Final Race 12 (2:15 pm PT); racing postponed
Wednesday, Sept. 18: Race 11 (1:15 pm PT), Race 12 (2:15 pm PT)
Thursday, Sept. 19: Race 13* (1:15 pm PT), Race 14* (2:15 pm PT)
Friday, Sept. 20: Race 15* (1:15 pm PT), Race 16* (2:15 pm PT)
Saturday, Sept. 21: Race 17* (1:15 pm PT), Race 18* (2:15 pm PT)
Sunday, Sept. 22: Race 19* (1:15 pm PT)
Monday, Sept. 23: Reserve Day
(*If necessary)