Be a Sailing Spammer
Published on December 17th, 2013
Glenn McCarthy, Commodore of the Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation, offers this easy idea how we can all help to market sailing…
Each time you read a sailing magazine, is your next effort to toss it in the can or put it in the recycle bin? How about a much better use for those?
– Stick it in the seat pocket the next time you fly in an airplane.
– Drop a stack of them off at the doctor’s office waiting room.
– Drop them off at the local hospital.
– Put them in salons and nail studios.
– Stick them in the waiting areas of car washes.
– Leave them on the bus or train seat pockets.
– Somewhere where you have a free book/magazine swap shelf (if in apartment or condo, suggest one be added in the laundry room).
– Or anywhere else you think someone may pick one up out of curiosity and read it .
If each of the 6,000-10,000 sailors on Lake Michigan receive one magazine a month, and everyone dropped them off somewhere for the general public to read, on average that would be 100,000 magazines a year being recycled, re-used that just may get some non-sailor to cross over to the dark side and come join us out on the water.
Is this hard? Is this expensive? No and no. Do it for the good of the growth of sailing. You never know how many people you will reach.
I recently left three issues of Sailing World on the train after finishing them off. They may find their way to the recycle bin, but someone might pick them up and take them home. We’ll never know until we spam the counters of the world with basically free advertising of sailing by giving away our sailing magazines!
For you own privacy, you might tear off the address sticker, which I have seen others do, or blacken the address out with a magic marker. This is a really simple way that all sailors on Lake Michigan can help us in the effort to GROW SAILING!
Source: LMSRF December newsletter