World On Water Global Sailing News – June 1, 2018
Published on June 1st, 2018
This week’s “World on Water” global sailing news show produced by
In this week’s “WoW TV”:
• The 52 Super Series have their Coastal Race.
• The finish of Leg 9 of the Volvo Ocean Race in Cardiff is an all Dutch affair as Brunel beats the “Paint Truck”.
• Dee Caffari in Turn The Tide on Plastic may not be winning on the water but her message is on land as both the UK and the EU are banning single use plastic. Well done Dee – I know that you are not happy with your race position but on land you are killing it so keep it up.
• Captain Rick Moore having his brekky and a radio message jolts him into action as a yacht has gone aground on the reef just near him. Here is his action packed video of how the action panned out.
• More Leg 9 action from Vestas 11th Hour Racing and the “Gulf Stream” explained.
• Fast40+ action in the UK.
• AkzoNobel and Chris Nicholson and team set a speed/distance 24 hour record of 602 miles covered. Martina now has broken her dad’s record.