Waiting game at Match Racing Worlds
Published on August 15th, 2019
Ekaterinburg, Russia (August 15, 2019) – The weather forecast for the third day of the Youth Match Racing World Championship promised a dead calm, and when the wind started blowing suddenly, it threw off a thick fog over the Verkh-Isetsky pond.
The wind force was almost seven knots, when the the race committee decided to act quickly and to start the races, the wind stopped blowing and the first flight was abandoned.
Then after a long wait, the competitors could start racing again at 16:30 (local time), with two flights completed, the 25th and the 26th, before the wind came to a dead stop again.
Current Results – Double Round Robin Series
1. Tom Grimes, Cruising Yacht Club of Australia Team (AUS) – 13 wins of 14 races;
2. Jeppe Borch, Borch Racing Team (DEN) – 8 of 12;
3. Nick Egnot-Johnson, Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron / Team KNOTS (NZL) – 11 of 14;
4. Igor Tarasiuk, HRM Racing Youth Team (POL) – 9 of 12;
5. Jack Parkin, Riverside Yacht Club, Stanford Sailing Team (USA) – 9 of 14;
6. Matt Whitfield, Penarth YC / Dragon Racing Team (GBR) – 7 of 12;
7. Rocco Attili, RBYS Racing Team (ITA) – 6 of 12;
8. Aurélien Pierroz, Société des Régates du Havre Team (FRA) – 6 of 14;
9. Måns Holmberg, Holmberg Racing Team (SWE) – 5 of 12;
10. Mark Abdrakipov, MyWind Team (RUS) – 3 of 14;
11. Jakub Halouzka, Team CZE Zdenek Dybal (CZE) – 1 of 14 races;
12. Kodai Mutsuda, Kobe University Team (JPN) – 0 of 12 races.
After the completion of the double round robin series, the top teams will advance to the knockout rounds for semi-final, petit-final, and final matches. Racing will be held August 13-17 in the Ricochet 747.
Event details: http://2019ymrwc.komatek-club.ru/
Source: Natalya Saltanova