What are the secrets for success?
Published on July 16th, 2019
Dear Curmudgeon: I have a really big race this weekend and I was wondering if you had any tips for getting into the zone to do well at important events? – Pursuing the podium
Dear Pursuing: Here’s what Lucas Calabrese said, who is a two-time world champion and Olympic medalist, “Try to take the regatta as any other. What you haven’t learnt so far won’t be learnt overnight. Try to be your best self by being in the present and focused on the process; that will allow you to get the best possible result. Try not to get carried by the emotions, either good ones after a good race (makes you feel excited and derails your focus on the process) or bad ones (they tell a false story of your real level). Keep it simple and try to have fun!” – The Curmudgeon
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