Closure for Marblehead-Halifax Race

Published on July 11th, 2019

(July 11, 2019; Day 5) – The 2019 Marblehead-to-Halifax Ocean Race came to a close for the 65 starters which took on the the 363 nm course. The US Naval Academy on the R/P 66 Zaraffa were the overall winners in ORR with top honors in PHRF Racing taken by Durk Steigenga’s 44-foot MacIntosh. Light winds led to 18 teams not finishing, which included all the starters in the PHRF Cruising fleets.

The fleet of crossed the starting line off Marblehead Harbor on July 7 to Halifax, Nova Scotia. Conditions starting out were fair with winds out of the northeast averaging 12 knots, ideal for a downwind start. However, as the race progressed, the wind became light and variable.

“This year’s race was a great demonstration of why the Marblehead to Halifax Ocean Race has remained
an iconic race for well over 100 years,” said Mike Simms, Canadian Co-chair of the 2019 Organizing Committee. “The challenging conditions and strategy required offer an unparalleled competitive opportunity. Most importantly, the race is about the uniting of two nations and the camaraderie experienced both on the boats and on shore.”

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The elapsed time record was set in 2017 by the Mills 68 Prospector in a time of 28:28:50.

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